Mental Plane Power: How Your Thoughts Direct Your NOW

To live a life where happiness and abundance are real, You must learn to work with your Mental Plane mind to influence your Physical Plane body. You have access to create yourself with the wealth, health, friendship, love, richness, happiness, and freedom that we are all expected to enjoy in our abundant NOW. (Our Spiritual Plane essence.)

Our Mental Plane mind mastery gives us the power to transform our Physical Plane body. We create poverty and sickness or we create wealth and happiness with our thoughts.

Usually, your Mental Plane thoughts serve as an obstacle to your greatness, and this explains why the wealth, health, and freedom you are supposed to enjoy in your Physical Plane world becomes elusive. You must change your Mental Plane thoughts and master your Mental Plane self-talk if you are ready to change your life because your thoughts create your life. Your body believes what your mind tells it.

Your thoughts can be controlled by you alone because your mind is yours and without your permission or a loophole you allow, nobody else can put a thought in your head.  Just knowing that is refreshing and encouraging. Happy NOW!

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