Biggest Adventure
Double-click on the picture, pause, dream and expand until you see Oprah Winfrey’s quote! Live NOW! You always have that choice.
Double-click on the picture, pause, dream and expand until you see Oprah Winfrey’s quote! Live NOW! You always have that choice.
Double-click on the picture until you see Maya Angelou’s quote. Thrive, Champion Seeker! Write it, read it, post it, make it your new NOW mantra!
Double-click on the picture until you see Kevyn Aucoin’s quote. You always have the power to choose, Champion Seeker!
Double-click on the picture until you see Buddha’s quote. Happy NOW, Champion Seeker! Post this quote everywhere!
Double-click in the center of the video to see Kim Kardashian’s quote. Be happy in your perfect NOW.
This guided meditation is a gift. You can find more support for making meditation an active part of your NOW with our 8-week meditation classes
I am putting energy out into the universe! I want to reach a million hearts with the message that putting self-care first is the secret
Living in the NOW begins the moment you pause. Pause NOW and walk with PJ through this guided meditation about how to focus on living
Patricia Jean Smithyman-Zito©2019-All Rights Reserved
Living in the Now: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best