Zito Pro Health
If you or a loved one are not happy, healthy or exactly where you want to be right NOW –
PJ Zito can help.
As an Author of over 20 books, a qualified and experienced teacher and over 40 years of experience in ministry guiding people toward their goals, PJ offers affordable support and membership packages.
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About Me
I spent many years making excuses for why I wasn’t living in the NOW. I became much happier when I stopped telling God what I thought I needed in my life! I woke up one day, looked at myself in the mirror, and had a revelation.
Only I possess the ability to change my life and master the PHYSICAL PLANE and the MENTAL PLANE to appreciate the SPIRITUAL PLANE that is abundant and always available to me if I but stop to see my NOW. Seems simple, right? It really is.
I want to share with the world how I’ve gone from making excuses to creating an abundant NOW. Come join this adventure! Change NOW and be happy/happier! THE NOW IS ALL WE HAVE. THE NOW IS ALL WE NEED. THE NOW IS ALL WE GET!

Our lives are diverse. What do you think you have to do to be enough?
I am OLD. I hope that, as you join this journey you are YOUNG! Generally speaking, the very YOUNG easily figure out how their body works, and their hearts are happy BEing. Then, Life and various influences and pressures twist our trajectory and convince us of who we should be, how we should look, and what is supposed to be important on our journey.

I create my Physical Plane (my presence in the world) in my Mental Plane (my mind) and then I have to live there.
It really doesn’t matter what our issue is or what our past has been. If we want to overcome something, we can focus and find a way to master our Mental Plane to change our NOW.
I’ve had the blessings of living and working with unique individuals who are actively pursuing their own personal journeys to happiness. That’s exactly what it is, a personal journey to becoming who we have been created to be from all eternity: happy!