
PJ's Signature Book


The Secret To Making Each Day Your Best

PJ's Other Books

PJ's Journals



PJ’s courses take you on step by step guided support that can help you to not only ‘Live In The Now’, but help to reduce stress and enjoy the life you have. They include Meditation Classes, Self Care Classes, Retreat Within – A Self Care Journey, PJ’s 40 Day Signature Course and PJ’s Inaugural LIVE Living In The Now Book Reading with question time. Coming soon.

5-Day Self-Care Challenge

The 5-Day Self-Care Challenge is moving full-out to be really happy and healthy living in each moment from NOW on. This journey is a "challenge" because awareness will be yours in just 5 days, but, more importantly, you are going to establish your priorities, put self-care first and create a new life, a new NOW, that will always be YOUR choice. I call that LIVING IN THE NOW!
$ 199 Full Course
  • Introductory Price

Meditation Classes

The Meditation Classes are all about stopping and staying in the moment you are in to really become aware of this journey called life. This 8-week journey gets into the normal, everyday things that make your NOW a beautiful place to be. These classes give you information on mastering your Mental Plane mind and why self-talk work must be a priority to positively influence your Physical Plane body. A lot of information is covered in the 8 weeks to give you a solid foundation for change. A lot of time is spent retreating within, explaining the depth and height of personal expansion where your best self awaits your reunion. You will love the power generated within as you develop your meditation skills.
$ 299 Full Course
  • Introductory Price

Retreat Within - A Self Care Journey

The Retreat Within Self-Care Journey is an 8-week dive into your life, your NOW. This is YOUR time and you will pause to tap your amazing brilliance as we work together to implement strategies, call out change, tap self-confidence through self-control routines, and journal our way to awareness, clarity, purpose and personal strength in the creation of a new NOW. There's nothing new on this journey but by taking a hard look at changes to become happier and healthier the NOW becomes our best place to be.
$ 399 Full Course
  • Introductory Price

PJ's 40 Day Signature Course

PJ’s signature Course is an ‘on demand’ 40-day Course where you read each day together with PJ from her Book, ‘Living in the Now: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best – 40 Days to Deeper Prayer and Greater Self-Awareness’
$ 499 Full Course
  • Introductory Price

Live Book Reading and question time with PJ Zito

This is PJ’s brand-new course that is coming soon. This live 40-Day Signature Course is where you will be reading her book ‘Living in the Now: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best – 40 Days to Deeper Prayer and Greater Self-Awareness’ with her each day for 40 days – live, with a question and answer time at the end of each day's ponderings. This will truly be a life-changing experience for everyone on the course. This is a one time event with limited numbers, so grab your place whilst it is still available.
$ 999 Full Course
  • Introductory Price


PJ’s Membership packages are perfect if you are looking for ongoing support to guide you to not only ‘Live In The Now’, but help to reduce stress and enjoy the life you have. They include access to weekly or monthly live Zoom sessions with PJ herself, recorded: Meditation Classes, Self Care Classes, Retreat Within – A Self Care Journey Course, and PJ’s 40 Day Signature Course. Coming soon.

