Free Resources

FREE Healthy Eating Worksheet for “Elevate Your Plate” #1 Amazon Bestseller How-To Cookbook

#1 Amazon Bestseller: Elevate Your Plate to Elevate Your Life NOW! Healthy Eating Worksheet Developing your own new NOW healthy eating habits isn’t as hard ...
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Comfort Zone Planner to Begin Strong Self-Care Work for Living in the NOW on Purpose

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A Mini Meditation Gift

“Don’t speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke. Your body doesn’t know the difference. Words are energy and cast spells, that’s why it’s called ...
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5 Ways to Thrive

Living in the NOW begins the moment you pause and pay attention. Nobody’s life is perfect. You are not too busy. You just aren’t making ...
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3 Guided Meditations On The Mountain

Master your Physical and Mental Planes by retreating within to spend quiet time with your true self. Use words to focus, then, use no words ...
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10 Ways to Put More Self-Care Practice Into Your Life NOW

Self-care priorities balance your Planes. Nurturing and honoring yourself first changes you and becomes a positive solution for all to see the major role habits ...
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21 Things You Can Do To Think Better, Be More Productive and Age Smarter

Change makes every day a new NOW so master your Planes with focusing power.
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21 Habits that Support and Grow Your Personal Power NOW

In just a few minutes you can use options or a checklist to help ‘Support and Grow Your Personal Power NOW’.
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Biggest Adventure

Double-click on the picture, pause, dream and expand until you see Oprah Winfrey’s quote! Live NOW! You always have that choice.
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My Mission

Double-click on the picture until you see Maya Angelou’s quote. Thrive, Champion Seeker! Write it, read it, post it, make it your new NOW mantra!
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I Choose

Double-click on the picture until you see Kevyn Aucoin’s quote. You always have the power to choose, Champion Seeker!
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Double-click on the picture until you see Buddha’s quote. Happy NOW, Champion Seeker! Post this quote everywhere!
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December Blessings

Double-click in the center of the video to see Kim Kardashian’s quote. Be happy in your perfect NOW.
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A Living in the NOW Guided Meditation

This guided meditation is a gift. You can find more support for making meditation an active part of your NOW with our 8-week meditation classes ...
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18 Action Steps

I am putting energy out into the universe! I want to reach a million hearts with the message that putting self-care first is the secret ...
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A New NOW Beginning Meditation

Living in the NOW begins the moment you pause. Pause NOW and walk with PJ through this guided meditation about how to focus on living ...
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Still Outdoor Times

“ELEVATE YOUR PLATE” AND ELEVATE YOUR OUTDOOR TIMES NOW! Keep that outdoor strong foundation to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Begin with delicious recipes found ...
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In the #1 Bestselling how-to-cookbook “Elevate Your Plate,” Patricia J. Zito shares healthy living tips along with nutritious recipes. She also has more books, planners, ...
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Olympic Athletes

With Paris fresh on my mind, let’s look at athletic food choices. If you are an athlete considering going vegetarian or vegan, you may have ...
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Real Recipes

Just a few small changes in your eating priorities can wake up your digestive system, reshape your body, and add years of healthy living to ...
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Start Healthy Eating Changes

Let’s Have Vegan or Vegetarian Meals One Day a Week! Suggesting that you have one day a week to be a vegan or at least ...
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Elevate Your Plate – Choices

Nutritionists and health experts now realize that up to 70% of your physical fitness level is directly the result of your diet. So happy that ...
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I Have “A Special Song” for You NOW.

I have many FREE RESOURCES and prolific BLOGS, and I am making MUSIC VIDEOS of my own composed songs.  Please, if you haven’t already, find ...
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Growing Private FB Group

Our Champion’s NOW – Growing Private Facebook Group: “Empower Your NOW Champion Seekers” – Creating our supportive space for high-achievers to connect, share, and learn ...
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Everybody Knows This Man

This video enables the reader of my book to listen to the song “Everybody Knows This Man” found within the 40 Days to Deeper Prayer and Greater Self-Awareness journey. This song is about Jesus and the influence of Incarnation – The Word made flesh…God becoming human because of a loving union with all of creation. Thanks for stopping by! Blessings as you actively choose to be living in the NOW!

A Special Song

This video enables the reader of my book to listen to the song “A Special Song” found within the 40 Days to Deeper Prayer and Greater Self-Awareness journey. Everybody has a special song (a gift) that the world needs to recognize and honor. We are all so unique! The world would live in peace would we but love one another unconditionally. You are truly SPECIAL! Blessings as you choose to be living in the NOW!

Speak to Me of Life

This video enables the reader of my book to listen to the song “Speak to Me of Life” found within the 40 Days to Deeper Prayer and Greater Self-Awareness journey. This song is the story of my early journey to grasp Incarnational abundance, to say yes to God’s calling of unconditional love, and to value making the choices necessary to be truly living in the NOW. Thanks for stopping by! Blessings as you actively choose to say YES to living in the NOW!

Getting Excited

This video enables the reader of my book to listen to the song “Getting Excited” found within the 40 Days to Deeper Prayer and Greater Self-Awareness journey. This song was my dad’s favorite because it expresses true joy in discovering my own personhood and believing in a loving God. That excitement is contagious and a gift everyone already possesses! Mastering the Physical and Mental Planes enables Spiritual Plane awareness and true abundance in the NOW. Thanks for stopping by! Blessings as you actively choose to be excited about really living in the NOW!

I Belong to You

This video enables the reader of my book to listen to the song “I Belong to You” found within the 40 Days to Deeper Prayer and Greater Self-Awareness journey. This song was written to be my gift for my brother Mike and his bride Chris’ wedding. A true love song for them with Jesus at the center. They have been married for over 40 years! Thanks for stopping by! Blessings as you actively choose love, living in the NOW!

Composed For You

This video enables the reader of my book to listen to the song “Composed For You” found within the 40 Days to Deeper Prayer and Greater Self-Awareness journey. Just a little side note (no pun intended), this was my very first song, written as a prayer conversation with Jesus, the Incarnate Word. Thanks for stopping by! Blessings as you actively choose to praise and love unconditionally while living in the NOW!

Glory and Honor to God

This song can be found in my book: Living in the Now: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best 40 Days to Deeper Prayer and Greater Self-Awareness I am creating music videos of all 30 songs in the book so the reader can come to YouTube to listen to the song that shows the sheet music on the Day of the activity they are working on. Special thanks for singing with me goes out to Sharon Tressel and Sr. Mary Rose Kocab, SIW!

Praised Be Our Incarnate Word/Alabado Sea el Verbo Encarnado

This video, “Praised Be Our Incarnate Word/Alabado Sea el Verbo Encarnado,” was written to share a song of praise to our Incarnate Word (Jesus) and it isn’t perfect! We are working on correcting parts of the Spanish translation and plan to record the singing again at a later date. I hope you enjoy it and join us in praising Jesus in the NOW, as imperfect as this presentation is! My love and thanks extended to Sister Mary Rose Kocab and Sharon Tressel for sharing voices here! I especially thank these two amazing women for their unconditional love and friendship for over 50 years. Blessings as you actively choose to join with us in praise and love by living in the NOW!


The song “Come” celebrates one’s life of prayer and focus. This rendition was generously produced by Bill Rebol, Jean Marie Amos, Gary Branstein, and Joe Stevens, from St. John Vianney Parish in Mentor, Ohio. Readers of the book LIVING IN THE NOW: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best can listen to the song within the journal work they are doing to better live in the NOW. I am praying for you and yours and welcome you to COME journey with us!

Grateful and Blest

This simple song, “Grateful and Blest,” is an expression/outpouring of my prayer and adoration time. Mastering the Mental Plane (our thoughts and beliefs) enables awareness of the abundant Spiritual Plane that is and always has been available to us. I encourage you to pause, to choose greater awareness of your NOW! The NOW is all we have. The NOW is all we need! Be happy NOW! It’s totally up to YOU!

This creative rendition of my song was graciously gifted to me by Bill Rebol, Jean Marie Amos, Gary Branstein, and Joe Stevens from St. John Vianney Parish in Mentor, Ohio, and I pray for them every day!

Oh, Excuse Me

This song, “Oh, Excuse Me,” was written by Patricia Jean Smithyman-Zito and the sheet music can be found in the book Living in the Now: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best (1 of 30 songs in the book). Bill Rebol is the lead singer of this rendition, supported by Jean Marie Amos, Gary Branstein, and Joe Stevens from St. John Vianney Parish in Mentor, Ohio. I pray for them every day for their willingness to help me share God’s message with the world.

Anoint Me, Lord

This song, Anoint Me, Lord, is a recognition of God’s awesome love for me, for us! I am making videos of the 30 songs that can be found in my book: Living in the Now: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best by Patricia Jean Smithyman-Zito. Available on Amazon. It is a self-help journal-type book where the reader dives into life through 40 days of inner work to become the writer of my book! This musical rendition was generously produced by Bill Rebol, Jean Marie Amos, Gary Branstein, and Joe Stevens from St. John Vianney Parish, in Mentor, Ohio. I pray for them every day.

Claim Your FREE eBook: "Techniques for Living in the Now"


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