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MY DAY 2 PLANNER Plans – My living in the NOW Space
DATE ______________________
Content of FOCUS for all Champions on the Journey
We all long for more. We can quickly decide to learn more and live well NOW, simply by understanding the 3 PLANES we live in!
Physical Plane– Our body, walking, talking, growing, and maturing on this earth.
Mental Plane– All we have been programmed to believe and our ego’s influence creating our “pretend world” that we think is our life.
The Spiritual Plane – Our true world of higher wisdom and grace that always reveals our purpose.
When we master the PHYSICAL AND MENTAL PLANE influences, we become aware of the abundant SPIRITUAL PLANE that is and always has been available to us in our NOW. Write about what this all means to you.
PROJECT: Spend time thinking about thinking. Share a bit about what you are feeling after spending time today retreating within.
Join: Living in the NOW Champions – Private Facebook Group
TASK: Spend some quiet time pondering the 3 Planes’ perspectives and understand the uniqueness of each Plane’s impact on you and your life.
Take good care NOW!