(4-minute read)
My Day 4 PLANNER Plans – Introduction to the Mental Plane DATE ___________________________
Content of FOCUS for all Champions on the Journey
Mastering and truly understanding our MENTAL PLANE means we must think about how we are thinking. Many of our recordings play automatically and we become comfortable believing what we create to believe. After all, we’ve spent our entire life justifying our every stance!
The discovery here, NOW, is that what we believe is FLUID. Everything we look to as markers is always shifting and shaping our thoughts so, our confidence is tied to an ego-self-image that we create for ourselves.
It is not until God gets your attention and reminds you of eternal union (before birth) do you pause to grasp the power of your true self with your unique vision and targeted purpose.
My MENTAL PLANE must name the aspirations of my heart for God to penetrate my PHYSICAL PLANE with the beauty and power I possess to be true to myself and my purpose. Nobody can fulfill my purpose or create my praise. If I don’t accomplish my purpose here on this earthly journey, that praise will never be heard, and I will never be truly happy LIVING IN THE NOW.
Write out several FLUID MARKERS you have been using to create your PHYSICAL PLANE structure. With the critical eye of your own deep truth, break apart the illusions within each perspective and create a new NOW without those old beliefs. Take all the time and space you need and write copiously.
Write out your new habits that have substantial steps of change to incorporate into your new NOW. Target and write out your SOLID VISION for what you WANT NOW.
Share a bit about what you are feeling with your group: Living in the NOW Champions Facebook Group
Take extraordinarily good care of yourself.