(6-minute read)
MY PLAN for Day 5: Introduction to the Spiritual Plane
Date ____________
Content of FOCUS for all Champions on the Journey
The journey thus far has been about the Physical Plane (our body) and the Mental Plane (our mind) because the various stages of development, both physical and mental, evolve and grow as we mature and expand in our development as a human being.
Basically, we see ourselves as a “self-made image” that is conjured and believed to be in our own mind’s eye. In the next stage, we see ourselves by how we act and much of this stage is focused on self-growth. Our thoughts and feelings move us to a higher level of awareness, beyond our own needs, but until we connect our deeper intuition to our world, we are still only a shadow of our true identity.
Mastering our Physical and Mental Plane awareness, we can better see how surrender and emptiness, and powerlessness give us more control. When I realize that I am much more than who I think I am, expansion beyond myself transforms and I can consciously go within to discover my true being.
The world of chaos and endless noise is inherently divisive, getting in the way of abundance and peace in life. For this understanding, we move at our own pace. We pray, we meditate, and we turn off the noise by self-discipline and surrender.
We also stumble, doubt, and un-earn the always free and available gift of grace and mercy. The secret to making each day our best is to stay focused on the source of newly discovered life living within us. The Spiritual Plane is abundant and ever available, and our life is real.
It’s the other two Planes that mess up our journey to total self-discovery and fulfillment. As the saying goes, “That’s Life!” May you live in the Spiritual Plane, in the first half of your life, to not miss most of your journey!
Write a timeline of when your life stages were unfolding. Remember the facts, speak of what is real, understand that your journey is unique. It has brought you here today.
Do you have questions or concerns to address? Post them, send an email to me, or bring them to our Living in the NOW Champions Facebook group.
Share a bit about what you are feeling after our time together today with our group:
Living in the NOW Champions Facebook Group
The NOW is all we have.
The NOW is all we need.
The NOW is all we get.
Be happy in your NOW.