(4-minute read) + Self-Work Time
MY PLAN for DAY 7- Self-Work and FB Connection + Did you Send Me an Email? DATE _______________________
Content of FOCUS for all Champions on the Journey
Congratulations on creating your journal. I am so happy for you! I have written to you today and I am giving you a worksheet for structure. But first, let me ask:
Did you send your thoughts off to me regarding your journey of being Champions, growing together?
Here are the homework questions again in case you didn’t get your work off to me yet: How are you feeling about your Living in the NOW journey this week?
Do you have a clear understanding of each of the 3 Planes we have been exploring?
Can you tell me in your own words, with just a sentence or two, what the challenges are for the Physical and Mental Planes?
Can you share what the Spiritual Plane means to you right now?
Please spend today wrapping up your self-care activities. Post your answers and any concerns about what we are doing in the Facebook group – it is a safe, private group.
Now is the perfect time to write to me about the Retreat Within Journals we have been creating. Write to me while your thoughts of this project are fresh in your Mental Plane.
I would appreciate your honest input as I am sincerely trying to make this a retreat space that is powerfully effective. We all deeply long to truly find our unique inner power to master being happy and healthy living in the NOW.
Brutally honest input will help me make everything better and that is the parallel goal we are searching for together. THANK YOU! I am really looking forward to hearing from you.
Email address – pjzito@zitoprohealth.com
Here is your thank-you bonus:
BONUS Worksheet: Living in the Now: Create a more abundant life!
Living in the NOW can help us “express less” of what we want in life. Use this worksheet, and WORDS, to journal your kick-start journey into your present NOW and make each day your best!
Use words to create your vision. Then let go of what you see because we do not need to believe what we can see.
We just want to know the TRUTH and grow.
PHYSICAL PLANE: What makes you rush in the morning and how can you care for yourself first before giving everything away all day?
MENTAL PLANE: What can you do differently to create a calmer morning and evening routine to protect your now moments unfolding during the day?
COURSE CORRECTION: What is one life change you have been avoiding that you know is not healthy for your true purpose here on earth?
SPIRITUAL PLANE: How could you embrace this change for greater awareness?
My positive resolution for LIVING IN THE NOW today is:
Your TRUTH needs no words. Use your words and then let them go. Your TRUTH reveals more in your silence. Be diligent to see. Be still to know. Be open to change.
May the WORD become flesh for you, so Presence reveals your TRUTH.