Happy New Year
Are You Dreaming?
(6-minute read)
Dreaming for the future and creating goals that lead you to success are extremely important concepts for living a satisfying and fulfilling NOW. When you have dreams about the way you want your life to be, you will feel motivated each morning to get up and be productive that day.
When there aren’t any dreams in front of you, you may feel very stagnant, lazy, and bored with life. It is important to constantly be searching for dreams and goals that keep you going and inspire you each and every day.
Although dreams are important, they mean nothing if you do not act upon them. If you constantly are thinking about them but not doing anything about them, you will eventually feel incapable and will have doubts about your self-worth. You will not know of your inner gifts, power and purpose.
If you never feel like you were able to get anything done, you will not have any motivation and your dreams could make you feel hopeless. Dreams have the power to be extremely inspiring, but they could also leave you in a place of depression. Mental Plane mastery begins in your quiet space and influences your Physical Plane beliefs and actions.
Dreams require resilience and determination, especially during the days that seem to be unmotivating. When you go through these days and are able to achieve certain goals that lead you to your dreams, your Mental Plane mindset will be very strong, and you will develop resilience and confidence to conquer the challenges of your Physical Plane NOW.
When you do not take action, the opposite happens, and you find yourself feeling very stuck.
There are many ways that you can take action on your dreams and use them to your advantage in order to boost your productivity and live to your highest potential. Below are a few tips for taking action and staying motivated which will change your NOW and make you more likely to reach those dreams, even if they seem far away.
1. Set Small Goals
Setting small goals along the way that come with different rewards makes your dreams seem manageable and achievable. When you are rewarded with small things, you will feel accomplished and that will boost your productivity. When you see your goal and it seems very far away, you will be more likely to give up or push back your goals. When you have the small goals that you can keep yourself committed to, you will be more likely to get to your dream in a much faster way.
2. Stop Planning
Planning for your dreams often becomes a form of procrastination. When you are able to understand that uncertainty will arise and that there will be bumps along the way that could push back your goals, you will no longer feel like you have to plan and prepare for every little thing.
By allowing yourself to have a more open mindset about your dream, you will be much more likely to accomplish it in a timely manner. By creating an overall plan but allowing it to be subject to change, you will accept and embrace uncertainty which will make you less fearful along the way. This will make you more likely to take action.
3. Stick to Your Vision
Dreams can seem very broad, especially when they are very far away from where you are currently. When you create a clear vision for yourself, you will likely feel more motivated and the action steps that you take will put you closer and closer to that goal. That clear vision comes from retreating within and spending time listening to your true self.
Creating this clear vision will make you more passionate about your dreams and will keep you going on the days where you may reach obstacles or bumps in the road. Keeping this vision from the start will allow you to prioritize better and make more efficient decisions.
New beginnings are exciting so spend time in your NOW to master the Mental and Physical Plane influences. Your Spiritual Plane abundance is always and ever available to you when your goals match your inner wisdom.