(6-minute read) 2023/01/01
Great news! It’s a brand new NOW with every possible blessing floating within your reach every second.
Good Calories, Bad Calories, written by Gary Taubes may make you rethink what you’ve thought and been told for years about losing and gaining weight. “Eat less and exercise more” has been the mantra most diet plans have used for decades.
Now, thanks to some research on what a healthy diet consists of, we’re realizing that we may have been thinking wrong all these years. Taubes, a noted and award-winning science journalist, has concluded that the problem lies elsewhere.
He argues that the real problem with failed dieting lies with refined carbohydrates such as sugars, starches and white flour and that the real way to good health is the type of calories we ingest rather than the number of calories.
Diet and health experts agree that this book is “destined to change the way we think about food.” If you’ve been dieting and getting no results – or the weight that you lose comes right back, this is a book you need to read to get a new perspective on dieting.
Taubes believes that what matters when dieting is the quality of your food rather than the quantity. Refined sugars such as cakes, bread and pasta are converted to sugar within our digestive systems.
When sugar enters the bloodstream, our blood sugar levels rise and since blood sugar is converted to fat, the body will produce insulin. Then, insulin results in the blood sugar being converted to fat and stored in the body’s fat cells.
Taubes takes it to a new level by suggesting that studies indicate that low-fat, high-carb diets are the causes of coronary heart disease, obesity, hypertension, some cancers, type 2 diabetes and many other health-related problems. I agree! I think we get stuck in the rut of eating the same things and never challenge the Physical Plane to change.
The revelations in Good Calories, Bad Calories are the complete opposite of what we’ve been led to believe about healthy eating versus obesity and foods that are bad for us. There has been heated controversy between Taubes’ findings and the current beliefs about nutrition and diets.
Feedback on the book indicates that some people with hypertension (high blood pressure) have been able to come off medications when they found that it was caused by consuming a diet rich in easily digestible carbohydrates.
The carbohydrates then cause a domino effect where the carbs raise blood sugar and store the fat it creates in the body’s fat cells. The insulin created by the raised blood sugar also affects other areas of the body such as the kidneys.
The insulin produced acts as an anti-diuretic which results in excess water and higher blood pressure and the kidneys must absorb more water to put back into the bloodstream. Taubes also explains other problems that can result in low-fat, high-carb diets.
Good Calories, Bad Calories isn’t about dieting. This read is about the science of dieting and how it relates to nutrition and health. Although Taubes admits he doesn’t have all the answers to diets and health problems, he has written an interesting book of critical thinking that deserves to be read and considered. The Mental Plane understanding influences the Physical Plane world. Thinking about eating properly and understanding why gives motivation to change old habits and that’s what I call LIVING IN THE NOW: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best!
May this new year be aboundant~