Continue to Create Your Self-Work Planner NOW – This is Day 8 (bonus day)

FREE eBook-Ditch the Diet Mindset

Date ________________

Content of FOCUS for all Champions on the Journey

The Mental Plane totally creates how our Physical Plane works. Today, there is an eBook gift for you. It blends the Mental and Physical Plane influences into a plan for healthy living. Tie it into your Foodie Blogs!

Your health is very important. However, just as important as your health is your wellbeing. Your thoughts, your feelings, and your complete emotional health are also at stake. Your Mental Plane creates your Physical Plane world so gather information and think! By changing your Physical Plane lifestyle, you affect your Mental Plane emotional health positively, too, so create habits.

Losing weight and maintaining that loss is likely to improve your NOW and impact your life in numerous ways. Success comes from how you set and view your goals and habits.


Send your email to me for the FREE eBook and then continue your Project work below.

Send the email address where you would like to receive your BONUS eBook to

Watch for your free book to arrive in your inbox. If you don’t see it, please check your spam folder~

(Ditch the Diet Mindset eBook)

Implement suggestions as you see fit while slowly reading with purpose.

Break this eBook into goals you can manage.

Take your time, WRITE OUT YOUR NEEDS and keep your focus on LIVING IN THE NOWit is your SECRET TO MAKING EACH DAY YOUR BEST!







Make one solid lifestyle change to incorporate into your NOW.   

Name the steps you are putting in place for small, sustainable successes on the journey.






Write a bit about what you are feeling after your time retreating within today.

Share a little with our group if that supports your NOW:



