Signs of Having High Cholesterol

10-minute read

When it comes to health, it isn’t always easy to be able to tell how you’re really doing. A lot of people will feel relatively aware of their health and still experience the negative effects that come from the subtle disconnect that can happen so easily when health issues go unchecked. One of the easiest parts of your health to overlook is your cholesterol. High cholesterol affects both men and women and can manifest into very serious complications if there are no behavioral modifications made to your lifestyle and diet, so this article will explore a few signs of high cholesterol.

Coronary Artery Diseases

When your cholesterol is too high, there are several different ways that your body can begin to react. The most common types of warnings that people generally see are in the form of coronary artery diseases and issues. These could include chest pain, though it is very important to note that many women don’t experience the same symptoms as men. Nausea, fatigue, pain in the mid back and shortness of breath are far more common across the board. Another sign could be difficulties with circulation. This is often characterized by numbness, stiffness, or even coldness in the limbs. In some advanced cases, this could also be a sign of a heart attack, so it’s very important to monitor these symptoms very closely.

Peripheral Artery Disease

A person who is likely to have a stroke is likely to exhibit some symptoms called peripheral artery disease. PAD can happen when plaque that has built up in arteries begins to block the passage of blood to different parts of the body. This can manifest in a variety of ways but the most common seems to be pain and cramping. If you don’t begin life changes immediately upon experiencing these symptoms, the eventual outcome could be the occurrence of stroke.


Among some of the more threatening effects of high cholesterol comes the possibility of stroke. On a personal note, I have several lifetime friends who have had a stroke. It is shocking, scary, and life-changing.

A stroke occurs when a canal feeding blood to the brain becomes blocked for a period of time or permanently. This is generally caused by some type of buildup of plaque. Medical attention is urgent in the case of stroke because severe stroke can often lead to death or create conditions that would make heart attack a stronger possibility. Symptoms of a stroke can include, dizziness, slurring of your words, numbness in the face, arms, or legs, or blurred vision. offers great information using F.A.S.T. Warning Signs:

F is Face Drooping

A is Arm Weakness

S is Speech Difficulty

T is Time to Call 911

Supplements That Can Help Lower Your Cholesterol

Do you struggle with high cholesterol? You might be surprised to find out that there are a few different supplements that can help you win your battle against the much less desirable form of cholesterol, LDL cholesterol. After decades of extensive research, scientists have discovered that there are a few supplements that you can buy at a local store that can go a long way to helping you reduce your cholesterol, and defend you against the damage that it could cause.

If you continue reading you’ll find a short list of supplements that can help lower your cholesterol. I have been purchasing supplements from a wellness company called Melaleuca since 2007 and I am more than willing to speak with you about support options for living a healthy, happy lifestyle. You can contact me here for a free 1-hour consultation:

Coenzyme Q10

One of the most dangerous things about LDL cholesterol is its ability to create a condition in the body where fats clump together and create blockage in blood passageways. Some studies have supported the use of Coenzyme Q10 because it has been shown to be effective in preventing the easy settlement of free-floating fats in the blood. Coenzyme Q10 is also a powerful antioxidant that can help to reduce the inflammation in arteries that constrict the flow of blood. 

Fish oil

This supplement had the ability to lower triglycerides by nearly 30%. Triglycerides make up a large portion of the fat that is stored in the body. Fish oil also is also known to decrease the chances of sudden cardiac death in adults. Fish oil is also very high in omega-3 fatty acids, so they have an anti-inflammatory effect on arteries and veins. Reducing inflammation can be important because it can help to widen the diameter of the arterial walls so that blood can pass through more easily.

B Vitamins

B Vitamins like Niacin can be very effective at helping to lower your LDL because they can boost the presence of HDL cholesterol, and reduce the number of triglycerides in your blood. For some people, however, it may be necessary to consult a doctor before you begin treatment. Prescription doses of Niacin are known to cause some side effects, so a consultation is highly recommended.

Soluble Fiber

This type of fiber is amazing at cleaning the blood because it helps to attract bits of bad LDL cholesterol to itself to be transported to the liver for removal. Studies have proven it to be highly effective against LDL and can be found in common household foods like oatmeal. I had a lot of issues with constipation when my children were toddlers and actually had 3 hemorrhoidectomy surgeries before understanding that a healthy, balanced diet, soluble and insoluble fiber, and plenty of water could keep you regular.

Talk to your doctor about these and other supplements that might help your cholesterol.

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