Happy NOW! Are you at the beginning of your self-care NOW journey, awakening to a new phase of self-love? Or are you diving deeper into self-inquiry, where you observe your truth without judgment? Acknowledge the power you possess to make choices and shape your growth cycle consciously.
Understanding your energy phases, holding your true self unconditionally, will be the compass guiding your dreams and aspirations as a champion seeker who has promised to put self-care first.
This month’s blogs encourage you to celebrate each phase of your growth and recognize the amazing potential for positive transformation that lies within your reach, your very touch, when you retreat within.
Explore the concept of this energetic spiral that constantly surrounds you. Recognize that you are always on a journey of growth, continually coming full circle to your new and perfect NOW. Pause on purpose and sink into the awareness of your current energy phase that is always available within your self-care journey.
You always have the power to pause.
Pause NOW, champion seeker, and rest in love’s embrace. Self first.