In the midst of your busy life, take a new NOW moment to appreciate the simple yet profound act of breathing. This Valentine’s Day overflow invites you to an appreciative self-care pause, where you inhale the gift of life slowly through your nose and exhale, releasing all that will not serve you NOW – today.
Use this breathing space to deeply relax, letting go of stress and chaos. Believe, right NOW, that everything and anything is possible. This self-care pause is not just about the physical act of breathing; it’s a symbolic renewal of your Mental and Physical Planes. Embrace the power of breath as a tool to reset your mindset and align with the notion that your new NOW is about endless possibilities and self-care.
Extending your overflow of Valentine’s Day abundance, breathe into the pause, the peace, the love, and the awareness of living deeply. Remember this NOW tomorrow when you pause for retreat within self-care time. Keep the love, the visualization, and the perspective with you as you move through the new NOW challenges. Be happy, make wise choices, and know that you are loved.