Elevate Your Plate to Elevate Your Life NOW!

Happy Healthy March – Celebrating Eating!

I truly believe that when making conscious choices about what you eat, you are nourishing your body and you are nurturing your overall well-being.

When I was 35 years old, I went out to dinner with several teachers to celebrate the end of another school year. Two days after that dinner of salad and fried, breaded shrimp, I became quite unwell and thought I had the flu. I spent most of that week on the couch and in the bathroom. By the second week, I had lost 25 pounds and my organs were shutting down. The doctors determined the Giardia Lamblia Cyst that had grown in my intestines was a parasite that was on the unwashed lettuce used to make my restaurant dinner salad. It took me two years to recover from that event and put me on the path of prioritizing my eating choices. (And really washing everything well!)

Prioritizing your health through mindful eating habits will have a ripple effect on your everyday life. When you give your body the nutrition it deserves, you’ll notice improvements in how you feel, think, sleep, and perform tasks throughout the day.

It has been 40 years for me NOW and I have never been in a hospital, except to deliver my children. NOW in the back half of my seventies, I participate in strength yoga classes 3 mornings a week and I run 6 miles on 2 or 3 of the off yoga mornings. Putting self-care first is the secret to making each day your best and that is what I call Living in the NOW™. It is time to “ELEVATE YOUR PLATE TO ELEVATE YOUR LIFE NOW!”

✅Save the Date & Link for our Virtual Book Launch Party on Saturday, March 23rd at 1 pm EST/10 am PST! Join the party LIVE on Zoom here. 👉 https://tinyurl.com/BookLaunchPartyPJ

Join my private Facebook group to share creating a new NOW together. Join NOW by going to https://www.facebook.com/groups/LivingInTheNowChampions where I am actively present!

Happy Healthy March! Happy NOW! PJ Zito