The Physical Plane Body

Hello! Good morning, good afternoon, good evening! Happy NOW!

In our last email, we looked at a general overview of the 3 Planes we live in:         

The Physical Plane, the Mental Plane and the Spiritual Plane.

Today, I want to tap into the Physical Plane, which is the body that we inhabit on this journey we call life.

We are all walking around on this earth and interacting with the world around us. We are all different and we all have our stories. We are pretty much all the same, too!

I retired from 27 years of teaching in 2006. I had been dabbling in health and wellness products, since 1983, after a near-death-experience in my health. I lost 25 pounds in a week and my organs were shutting down because of dehydration. Turns out that I had a parasite – Giardia. The infection in my small intestine almost killed me.

Out of this experience, I gained a new respect for life, for health, and for my purpose on this earth. What is your purpose? Where is your pain?

The pain and frustration of the Physical Plane is all about trying to fit into something “out there” instead of loving and accepting our true SELF. What “out there” influences have control over you?

Society’s dictations of expensive clothes will make you successful? Creams, potions and lotions will make you look beautiful? A big house and a fancy car will show people you are rich?

Is your NOW busy about what you must have to be happy?

Our journey begins within each new moment and on our own terms. The Physical Plane must match the expectations we create in our Mental Plane for us to be happy living in the NOW

More on Mental Plane flow coming, so be sure to check in again!
We all know that we want and need to be physically healthy if we are to enjoy a long active life. Our focal points on health should be addressed through our focus on mastering our Physical and Mental Plane influences. Forget the shifts of “outside” inputs that are never who or what we are “inside.”

We can choose how we gather and work to create the right conditions on our Physical Plane that are needed to match our Mental Plane by really thinking and writing the truth we hear while retreating within.

Focusing on the various areas of our life until there is balance, consistency, predictability, and peace is challenging but very possible. We must change our life with habits that fulfill our every need to be present in our NOW. We dive into life, to purge problematic notions perceived, to create a NOW that overflows into healthy and happy.
The journey explicitly unfolds with every choice to abandon all notions, to take up the self-care time needed, to pause enough to understand change.
You may be well. You may be successful. You may be in love and totally support your significant other. You may have many accomplishments to share with the world and love what you do. That doesn’t mean you understand the power in mastering your Planes to be fully living in the NOW.

This journey, where you NOW securely stand, is what our world needs, too. We would not need bars on the windows or metal detectors at every entrance if people would stop long enough to master the Physical and Mental Plane noise to notice the Spiritual Plane beauty available to us at all times.

Look for our next website musing where we talk about the Mental Plane mind.

Join me in thinking about how we think. The tapes we play in our head truly impact and affect how we see the world and that totally wallops our happiness if we are not on high alert!

Click for More Guidance on Mastering the Physical Plane

The NOW is all we have. The NOW is all we need. The NOW is all we get, and it is perfect when we stay in it.

Patricia Jean Smithyman-Zito