Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and a very happy NOW to you. Thanks for your energy here! Thank you for being in my NOW.
How was your experience working through the Mental Plane musing? The mind’s self-talk mastery is always our missing puzzle piece.
I am in the season of my life to play, travel, visit friends, and relax, yet instead, it’s become a time of much of the opposite. My new NOW is one where I choose to quiet my Planes to listen to the whispers within, and constantly clear the noise.
My day is not always one of doing and care-giving as my mom’s Hospice option. I spend a lot of time clearing and creating change on the inside.
Imagine an internal puzzle with presence (your Physical Plane) and mind’s chatter (your Mental Plane) right there, yet in disguise because of outside noise. I use this image to retreat within, to pause:
1. to focus on clarity,
2. to hear the real Plane noises,
3. to immediately calm my outside world,
4. and clear my space with quiet and inner silence.
The world is noisy with false truths, meaningless rewards, accolades, havoc, fear, anger and self-doubt.
We cannot live in the NOW when surrounded by that. The revelation is in the effort, not the ever-changing, nebulous outcome. In the searching efforts, we see the mastery of our Physical and Mental Planes as those moving pieces in the game of growing up.
How long have you waited for your next turn in the growing up game? It’s your time to be moving from the person who has somehow settled within the noise to the person who can see and hear the noise, and still create a new NOW beyond it.
It is in your very NOW, where you can believe in your potential rather than your past.
~ Living in the Now: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best ~ 40 Days to Deeper Prayer and Greater Self-Awareness
The NOW is all we have.
The NOW is all we need. The NOW is all we get, and it is perfect when we stay in it.
Putting self-care first is the secret to making each day your best.