Another Month of Self-Care is Wrapping Up

June was all about creating habits and new NOW behaviors that hold your Mental and Physical Planes productive within your authentic self. That means you NOW have become so aware of your chosen positive changes that they are a living, breathing part of your new NOW without much energy from you.

If you cherish operating from your authentic self, I suggest you stop reading this and go back through the June 21st post with a summary of all the tips shared during June.

Have you taken the self-care time to weave your positive, new NOW thoughts, feelings and behaviors into your every-day routines?

Getting into the Physical Plane body, have you ordered your kitchen copy of “Elevate Your Plate to Elevate Your Life NOW” paperback?

Have June’s ponderings been implemented to support “Living in the NOW™” on purpose?

Get better at identifying your own emotions! Journal NOW. I will see you in July. Happy summer. Happy new NOW to last a lifetime. I am thinking of you and praying for you. If there is anything I can help you with, do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am here for Y-O-U.

PJ Zito –