7 Ways to Turn Your Life into a New NOW 

Are you going nowhere fast? Do you want to create a new NOW? 

Life falls into a rut when we become complacent. Things are going well, so we start striving to keep the status quo. It makes sense. After all, there’s truly little stress when every day is the same and nothing changes.  

On the other hand, things get boring quickly. You are not learning new things. Without goals or activity toward those goals, you become stagnant. You’ve lost forward momentum and you realize you are missing your life, your NOW. 

Is this any way to live? 

It’s time to haul your life out of that old NOW! If you are tired of mediocrity, then read on to find out several simple ways to bring back the excitement you 

have been missing by creating a new NOW that is vibrant, abundantly real and, well, new! 

Embrace the Day: How you begin the day tends to dictate how the rest of it will go. This means starting things out on a positive note. Begin with the sunrise. Find somewhere you can watch the sun greet the earth, and as the rays touch the sky, think about all the wonderful things the day holds for your new NOW awareness. 

Listen to Something New: Even an effort so small as trying out something new musically can push you out of your old NOW ruts. Many musical streaming services offer suggestions of what to listen to next. Rather than stick to your usual playlist, see what is being offered. 

Play: Children know how to relax and have fun. There’s not a six-year-old in the world who even understands what it means to be in an old NOW routine. Do something to engage your inner child. Color or create some messy art. Get some Legos or Play-Doh and create. Need help? Try baby-sitting. Spending time with actual children will give you an opportunity to play entirely without inhibitions. I am blessed with spending time babysitting grandchild # 6 who is 4, going on 8! I highly recommend playing and learning in your new NOW. 

People Watch: What do other people do? Get out and enjoy the conversations around you. Watch how people interact. For bonus points, perform a random act of kindness for someone around you.  

Engage in Randomness: Not sure what to do? Try a coin-flip between choices. Or go to a movie theater and see the next movie playing, regardless of what it is. Or pick a book off the shelf at the library without looking first to see what it is. 

Learn a New Language: Learning a new language helps to stimulate the mind toward further growth. The more fun application? A Google search will teach you all the words the language tapes don’t show you. It’s actually quite satisfying to learn how to say passionate things in another language together with your significant other. 

Try a Different Hand: Do something with your opposite hand. This can have hilarious results when you try doing things like art or writing. Try competing with friends to see who the ‘best’ opposite hand artist is. I had to learn to use both hands when using Sign Language while interpreting for the deaf. Quite useful! 

The routines of your old NOW aren’t hard to beat. Just keep pushing to try new things or to do old things in new ways. Soon you will be on the road to excitement and greater awareness found when participating in your wonderful life while you are actually in it! That’s what I call “Living in the NOW™”: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best. 

Happy NOW,


My new book, “Turning the Page: A Do Over Diary” is 40 Days to Deeper Prayer and Greater Self-Awareness and a great process to use for turning your life around. I highly suggest using structure as you create a new NOW that will last a lifetime. Published on April 3, 2024 – 6 x 9 – The Paperback Book is 93 pages and the price is $9.99 –