My Signature Book: Living in the Now

LIVING IN THE NOW: The Secret to Making Each Day Your Best ~ Patricia Jean Smithyman-Zito.

The Paperback book was published on August 17, 2019. The 6 x 9 book has 254 pages and lines within the 40 days of self-work to journal. The price for the paperback, personal self-care journal is $19.99. – ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1796037605 – Paperback ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1796037609 also Paperback

The Hardcover book was published on August 17, 2019. The 6 x 9 book has 254 pages and lines within the 40 days of self-work to journal. The price for the hardcover, personal self-care journal is $28.79. – ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1796037591 – Hardcover ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1796037593 also Hardcover

The Kindle eBook was published on August 17, 2019. It is available for $2.99. Kindle eBookASIN: ‎ B07W74NKRG and Kindle eBook Page numbers source ISBN: ‎ 1796037605 ~

My own personal journey has proven to be a growing awareness of abundance. This book compiles a lifetime of ponderings that offers readers the opportunity to grow in areas of moment-by-moment awareness and self-reflection, to better live in the NOW, and to grow in wisdom and grace. Ah, to be wise and aware of the abundance in life’s every moment!

May abundance always flow into your NOW. We are companions on the journey who inspire, energize, and alter life. Abundance is for everyone and living with an attitude of abundance is really an individual choice that overflows and impacts others. Living life to the full is always right. My prayer is that everyone discovers the reverence, wonder, and blessings of “living in the NOW” in the first stage of their life!

This book is 40 days to deeper prayer and greater self-awareness discovered by writing right within the pages of this book.

Patricia Jean Smithyman-Zito

P.S. – Be sure to check what the price is for the hardbound book. Amazon often prices the hardcover for less than the softcover! Thanks for being in my NOW. PJ Zito