A Better Me: Every Day of the Year Planning for Living in the NOW

Published on October 5, 2022, this giant planner is 8.5 x 11, and has over 400 pages for a cost of just $19.99. ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHLDMH1S


This every day of the year planning journal is just what you need to expand your new NOW journey with practical prompts. Change requires a disciplined prioritization of self-care and structure is the key to success.

Discipline quickly reveals a deeper reality when the Mental Plane mind and the Physical Plane body are balanced. Begin your planner on whatever month of the year it is NOW.

NOW you can name what you will work on each month and set priorities for the entire 12 months ahead. Then, your vision for a new NOW is named, structured and faithfully penned in a matter of moments each day in the journal so your NOW is always your self-care priority.

NOW, your promises to become A Better Me, made to your true self, will last a lifetime. Happy NOW, PJ